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HiuxZ JellyZ #
Monday 28 November 2011 | 20:14 | 0 comments
Tutorial : JQuery Top Button
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Hye , malas cakap banyak , ni untuk Washed denim or whatever lah oke . Kalau tak jadi , komen wanyy :) 
Letas start !
  •  Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML *tick expand widget and tekan ctrl+F and search code </body>
  • Copy code di bawah and pastekan sebelum code di atas ;
<a href='#' id='toTop'><center>YOUR WORDS<span class='Apple-style-span' style='color: rgb(255, 204, 204); '/></center><img src='TOP BUTTON?t=1292762029' style='border:0;'/></a>
  • Then , korang search code ny pulak : ]]></b:skin>
/* to top */#toTop { width:100px;background:none;border:0px solid #ccc;text-align:center;padding:5px;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:10px;cursor:pointer;color:#666;text-decoration:none; }
  • lepastu search pulak code ny </head>
  • Then , copy code yang kat bawah nie , sebelum code kat atas nie ok

<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/><script type='text/javascript'>/*----------------------- * jQuery Plugin: Scroll to Top * by Craig Wilson, Ph.Creative (http://www.ph-creative.com) * Bring to you by Zen from http://zenplate.blogspot.com * Copyright (c) 2009 Ph.Creative Ltd. * Description: Adds an unobtrusive &quot;Scroll to Top&quot; link to your page with smooth scrolling. * For usage instructions and version updates to go http://blog.ph-creative.com/post/jquery-plugin-scroll-to-top.aspx * Do not delete these infomation * Version: 1.0, 12/03/2009 -----------------------*/
$(function(){$.fn.scrollToTop=function(){$(this).hide().removeAttr(&quot;href&quot;);if($(window).scrollTop()!=&quot;0&quot;){$(this).fadeIn(&quot;slow&quot;)}var scrollDiv=$(this);$(window).scroll(function(){if($(window).scrollTop()==&quot;0&quot;){$(scrollDiv).fadeOut(&quot;slow&quot;)}else{$(scrollDiv).fadeIn(&quot;slow&quot;)}});$(this).click(function(){$(&quot;html, body&quot;).animate({scrollTop:0},&quot;slow&quot;)})}});
$(function() { $(&quot;#toTop&quot;).scrollToTop(); });

Puzzle time :
RED : letak lah ayat korang tu keyyy .
ORANGE : Icon top button , boleh klik sini ..

Credit : Kak Una

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